1. Basic family information
1. Number of children in your family:
A. 1
B. Two
C. 3 or more
2. Child's gender:
? If only child, please fill in: (male/female)
? If you have more than one child, please fill in: (from older to younger, such as male, female, male)
3. Your occupation:
4. Your highest degree:
A. High school and below
B. Junior College
C. Undergraduate
D. Master degree or above
1. In your opinion, the most important thing in the growth of children is (multiple choices can be made) :
A. Academic performance
B. Moral cultivation
C. Cultivate hobbies and interests
D. Physical and mental health
E. Social skills
F. Others (please specify)
2. What are your expectations for your child's future (multiple choices) :
A. Get into A good college
B. Find a good job
C. Be responsible
D. Realize personal value
E. Live a happy life
1. The amount of time you spend tutoring your child every day is approximately:
? One-child families:
A. Within 30 minutes
B. 30-60 minutes
C. 1-2 hours
D. More than 2 hours
? Families with many children:
A. Within 30 minutes per child
B. 30-60 minutes per child
C. 1-2 hours per child
D. It depends. There is no fixed time
2. When your child's academic performance is not satisfactory, you usually:
A. Harsh criticism
B. Patient counseling, analyze the reasons together
C. Encourage your child to try harder next time
D. Hire a tutor or apply for a tutoring class
E. Others (please specify)
1. Do you ask your child to participate in housework?
A. Always
B. Often
C. Occasionally
D. Never
2. If your child does not follow the sleep schedule, you will:
A. Enforce compliance
B. Communicate patiently and explain the importance of work and rest
C. Occasionally remind, do not care
D. Follow the child's wishes
1. In what ways do you teach your children the virtues of honesty, trustworthiness and respect for others? (Multiple options available)
A. Daily practice
B. Tell stories and watch educational films
C. Educate children when they make mistakes
D. Participate in character education activities
E. Others (please specify)
2. When your child has a conflict with others, you will:
A. Let the child work it out
B. Understand the situation and guide the child to handle it correctly
C. Intervene directly
D. Criticizing your own children
1. How many times per week do you do outdoor activities with your children:
? One-child families:
A. 3 or more times
B. Once or twice
C. Very little, almost nothing
? Families with many children:
A. 3 or more times per child per week
B. 1-2 times per child per week
C. Depending on the situation, the number of times is not fixed
D. Rarely spend time outdoors together
2. Do you often talk with your children to understand their inner thoughts?A. Every day
1. When applying for interest classes and tutoring classes for your children, you will:
A. Enroll individually according to each child's interests and needs
B. Apply for multiple classes for children with good academic performance
C. Considering economic factors, select some children to enroll in class
D. Enroll all children in the same class without discrimination
2. When children compete for toys, books and other resources, you will:
A. Teach children to share and use together
B. Distribution based on age or first-come-first-served principle
C. Give it to anyone who cries
D. Others (please specify)