Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey on public awareness of children living in welfare institutions. There are no right or wrong answers—please respond based on your personal thoughts and experiences. This survey is completely anonymous , and your responses will be used for our research purposes only. We appreciate your participation!
一、 基本信息 1. 您的年齡段 Your age group:
A. 18歲以下 Under 18 B. 19-25歲 19-25 C. 26-35歲 26-35 D. 36-50歲 36-50 E. 51以上 51 and above
2. 您是否參與過(guò)兒童相關(guān)志愿服務(wù): Have you ever participated in child-related volunteer activities?
是 Yes 否 No
您參與此類(lèi)活動(dòng)的次數(shù)多嗎?How often do you participate in such activities?
多,經(jīng)常參加 Frequently 還好,偶爾參加 Occasionally 僅參加過(guò)一兩次 Only once or twice
未來(lái)是否愿意參加相關(guān)活動(dòng)?Would you be willing to participate in such activities in the future?
非常愿意 Yes, definitely! 視具體情況而定 It depends on the circumstances 暫時(shí)不考慮 Not considering it for now
二、認(rèn)知與歸因 3. 您對(duì)福利院兒童群體的認(rèn)知主要來(lái)自From what means did you primarily learn about children in welfare institutions?(多選):
新聞/紀(jì)錄片 News/Documentaries 社交媒體 Social Media 親友經(jīng)歷 Personal Experiences from Family/Friends 親身接觸 Direct Interaction 基本不了解 I have little to no knowledge about them
4. 您認(rèn)為兒童進(jìn)入福利院的主因可能是 In your opinion, what are the main reasons children live in welfare institutions?(多選):
家庭監(jiān)護(hù)缺失(如父母離世) Loss of parental guardianship 需要專(zhuān)業(yè)照護(hù)的身心障礙 Physical or mental disabilities requiring specialized care 原生家庭經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī) Family financial difficulties 其他: Other (Please specify)
三、認(rèn)知診斷 5. 您是否認(rèn)同以下說(shuō)法: 福利院兒童與普通學(xué)校兒童享有同等教育資源 To what extent do you agree with the following statement? "Children in welfare institutions have access to the same educational resources as children in regular schools."
不認(rèn)同 Strongly disagree
非常認(rèn)同 Strongly agree
6.您是否認(rèn)同以下說(shuō)法:福利院兒童成年后很難融入社會(huì) To what extent do you agree with the following statement? "Children raised in welfare institutions face significant difficulties integrating into society as adults."
不認(rèn)同 Strongly disagree
非常認(rèn)同 Strongly Agree
7.您是否認(rèn)同以下說(shuō)法:普通人經(jīng)過(guò)基礎(chǔ)培訓(xùn)即可安全陪伴特殊兒童To what extent do you agree with the following statement?"Individuals without professional training can safely accompany children requiring special care after receiving basic guidance"
不認(rèn)同 Strongly disagree
非常認(rèn)同 Strongle agree
8.您對(duì)以下哪些說(shuō)法存在疑惑?(多選)Which of the following topics do you find unclear or confusing? 福利院兒童是否會(huì)被家庭領(lǐng)養(yǎng) Whether children in welfare institutions can be adopted into families 探訪(fǎng)活動(dòng)是否會(huì)影響兒童心理 Whether visitation activities impact children’s mental well-being 如何避免在互動(dòng)中傷害兒童自尊 How to avoid unintentionally harming a child’s self-esteem during interactions 其他: Other (Please specify)
四、開(kāi)放反饋 11. 9. 您認(rèn)為公眾對(duì)福利院兒童最大的誤解有哪些? What do you think is the biggest misconception the public has about children in welfare institutions?__________
12. 10. 您認(rèn)為社會(huì)可以如何更好地關(guān)懷這些兒童? How do you think society can better support and care for these children?_________