The Influence of artificial intelligence on Employee Outcomes in the Hospitality Industry

Please rate the extent of the following statements based on your experience with AI over the past year

I am optimistic about the use of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry.
I often use AI tools at work to improve efficiency.
I feel that the company has given adequate training and support in introducing AI.
The use of artificial intelligence technology has made my workflow smoother.
I believe that AI will further improve the quality of service in the hotel industry in the future.
I am worried that my job will be affected by layoffs or job reductions.
I am uneasy about the future stability of my company.
I am concerned about my career prospects.
I often feel insecure at work.
I feel that my job is threatened by technological change.
I am considering looking for a new job opportunity within the next six months.
I am less satisfied with my current job and am considering leaving the company.
I would choose to leave my current job if I had a better job offer.
I don't think my working conditions are good enough for me to stay with the company for a long time.
I feel anxious about considering changing jobs.
I am able to perform my job tasks efficiently.
The quality of my work meets or exceeds company standards.
I am able to meet the expected goals and objectives at work.
I am proactive in seeking opportunities to improve my job performance.
My manager and co-workers have given me positive feedback on my job performance.
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