Participant Consent Form
I will be undertaking research in Hotel Customer Relationship Managementin hotels and I am requesting your consent to be a participant in this research. Participation is entirely voluntary, and participants are free to withdraw from the study at any time and may withdraw their data up to the time the work is published.
The Purpose of the study is to investigate :
The factors that affect the relationship between hotel and customers.
Researcher’s contact details:
Supervisor name:
Oonagh Claffey e mail: Confidentiality of data:
My supervisor, a second reviewer, the external examiner and I will be the only individuals who may have access to the final data, upon request. Data will be collected via WenJuanxinand the results will be held on my password-protected computer in the Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure at TUS.
Confidentiality of a participant’s responses is assured, and only anonymous data will be included in the research paper.
What will happen to the results of the study?
The study results form part of an assessment for the BA (Hons) in Hospitality Management with (International Placement) (Level 8) qualification I am undertaking. These results will be anonymously published in a research report and presented to the responsible lecturer and external examiner. All data will be treated in accordance with the institute’s guidelines.
? Please indicate consent by ticking the box to proceed.
General section 1.What is your gender? a) Male b) Female c) Other d) Prefer not to disclose
2.What is your age range? a) 18 years and below b) 19-29 years c) 30-49 years d) 50 years and above
Please answer the following questions in relation to a recent hotel stay in Ireland. 3.Which category best describes the hotel you stayed in? a) 1-star or budget hotel b) 2-star hotel c) 3-star hotel d) 4-star hotel e) 5-star or luxury hotel f) Not sure
4.How many times a year do you stay at a hotel? a) less than once a year b) 1 – 3 stays a year c) 4-6 stays a year d) 6-10 e) 10-15 f) more than 15 stays a year
Objective 1: Impact of Hotel Service Quality 5.How would you rate the friendliness and professionalism of hotel staff? a) Excellent b) Good c) Average d) Poor
6.How satisfied are you with the response time of hotel staff when you request assistance? a)Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied
7.How would you rate the hotel's handling of customer complaints? a) Very effective b) Somewhat effective c) Neutral d) Ineffective
8.How important is multilingual staff support to your hotel stay? a) Very important b) Somewhat important c) Neutral d) Not important
9.How much do you agree that multilingual services in hotels enhance your overall experience? a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Agree d)Strongly agree
Objective 2: Correlation between Hotel Facilities and Customer Experience 10.Which of the following hotel amenities do you consider most important for your hotel stay?(Please select up to three options that you find most important.) a) Room amenities (e.g. bed comfort, bathroom quality, in-room amenities) b) Restaurant and bar facilities (e.g. dining options, food quality, beverage selection) c) Leisure facilities (e.g. swimming pool, lounge area) d)Spa and wellness facilities (e.g. spa, sauna, massage services) e) Entertainment and gaming facilities (e.g. arcade, game area, theater)
11.How likely are you to recommend a hotel to others based on its quality and range of facilities? a) Very unlikely b) Unlikely c) Likely d) Very likely
12. How would you rate the efficiency of the hotel services you have experience? (e.g., check-in/out process, housekeeping, concierge, room service) a) Very poor b) Poor c) Good d) Very good
13.How would you rate the cleanliness and maintenance of the hotel ? a) Excellent b) Good c) Average d) Poor
Objective 3: Effect of Pricing Strategies on Customer Relationships Please rank the following hotel facilities and services in order of importance to your hotel experience. (Drag and drop or rank from 1 = Most important to 9 = Least important .) Comfortable bed Clean room Range of food and beverage options Range of activities (e.g., entertainment, spa, gym) Efficient and helpful staff Check-in process Remote check-in/check-out In-room facilities (e.g., Wi-Fi, minibar, workspace) Hotel room
15.To what extent do you think hotel pricing matches the quality of service and facilities provided? a)Very underpriced – The hotel provides much more value than its price. b)Slightly underpriced – The hotel offers more value than expected for the price. c) Fairly priced – The price is reasonable for the service and facilities. d) Slightly overpriced – The hotel costs more than the value it provides. e)Very overpriced – The price is too high for the quality of service and facilities.
16.How willing are you to pay more for a hotel that provides better service quality? a) Very unwilling – I would not pay extra at all. b)Unwilling – I prefer to stay within my budget, even if service is better. c)Neutral – I might consider paying more, but it depends on the price difference. d) Willing – I would pay extra for noticeably better service. e)Very willing – I am happy to pay significantly more for top-quality service.
17.How important is price when selecting a hotel? a) Very unimportant – Price does not influence my decision at all. b) Unimportant – I consider other factors more than price. c) Neutral – Price is equally important as other factors. d) Somewhat important – Price matters, but other factors also play a role. e) Very important – Price is the main factor in my hotel selection.
18.To what extent do special promotions and discounts encourage you to be a loyal customer? a) Not at all – Promotions and discounts do not influence my loyalty. b) Slightly – They have a small impact, but other factors matter more. c) Moderately – Discounts play a role, but they are not the main factor. d) Very much – I am more likely to stay loyal if I receive good discounts. e) Extremely – Discounts and promotions are the primary reason for my loyalty.
19.How often do you choose a hotel based on its reward or loyalty program benefits? a) Always – I prioritize hotels with loyalty programs and frequently use them. b) Often – I consider loyalty programs as a significant factor when booking. c) Sometimes – I use loyalty programs occasionally, but they are not a priority. d) Rarely – I only consider loyalty programs in very few cases. e) Never – Loyalty programs do not influence my hotel choice.
20.To what extent do hotel stay packages (e.g., room + breakfast, spa deals) encourage you to book a stay? a) Not at all – I never consider packages when booking. b) Slightly – I might consider them, but they are not a priority. c) Neutral – Packages sometimes influence my decision. d) Significantly – I am more likely to book if a good package is available. e) Very much – Packages strongly influence my hotel booking decisions.
21.To what extent does a hotel's loyalty program influence your booking decision? a) No influence at all – I never consider loyalty programs b) Slightly influences – I might consider it, but it’s not a major factor. c) Moderately influences – Loyalty programs are somewhat important in my decision. d) Strongly influences – I actively look for hotels with good loyalty benefits. e) Very strongly influences – Loyalty programs are a key factor in my hotel choice.
22.Final Open-Ended Question:Would you like to add any additional comments about your hotel experiences?(Please feel free to write your thoughts below.)
Thank You for Your Participation!
I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. Your insights and feedback are invaluable in helping me understand customer experiences and improve the quality of hotel services.